Friday, 30 March 2012

Prevalence and Incidence

Prevalence and Incidence of Adrenoleukodystrophy 

Prevalence is a frequently used epidemiological measure of how commonly a disease or condition occurs in a population. Prevalence measures how much of some disease or condition there is in a population at a particular point in time. The prevalence is calculated by dividing the number of persons with the disease or condition at a particular time point by the number of individuals examined. 

The incidence of a disease is another epidemiological measure. Incidence measures the rate of occurrence of new cases of a disease or condition. Incidence is calculated as the number of new cases of a disease or condition in a specified time period (usually a year) divided by the size of the population under consideration who are initially disease free. 

It has been found that the prevalence of adrenoleukodystrophy or the number of individuals with this disease is 1 in every 200,000.

The incidence was approximated to be 1 in every 100,000.

This disease has also been found in all races and on all of the continents. 

Keep in mind that these estimates are referring to all the forms of adrenoleukodystrophy, the child and adult forms. 


Alisha M.

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